ready4 software now archived on Zenodo

Announcing the ready4 Zenodo community.

The software that we create to implement the ready4 framework and the models developed with that framework will from this point forward be archived on Zenodo.

Zenodo is an open science platform developed by CERN and using it as a repository for archiving our software has a number of advantages:

  • it creates a permanent copy of each software item, thus making these items appropriate for citation in peer-reviewed journal articles (unlike software stored in impermanent development code repositories such as GitHub);
  • it create DOI identifiers for each archived software item, minting a new DOI for each version of a software item sent for archiving as well as providing a catch all DOI that can apply to all versions of the software;
  • it provides a simple workflow to integrate with GitHub repositories (where our most up to date development code is stored);
  • it automatically submites archived items for indexing on OpenAire; and
  • it includes easy to use citation tools to help generate appropriate citations for software in multiple output formats.

We have established a ready4 community within Zenodo, in which all our code is stored.